CD Background Items

Notice of Lodging
Amended Complaint
Order Granting Joint Motion for Entry of Consent Decree


Amendment #1 dated May 19, 2014
Notice of Non-Material Amendment to Consent Decree
Amended Complaint
Amended Appendix I April 10, 2014

Consent Decree

Consent Decree

Appendix A – SSO Listing, 1997 to 2010
Appendix B – Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan
Appendix C – Fats, Oils and Grease Management Program
Appendix D – Lift Stations Receiving SCADA Installation
Appendix E – First Year Assessment Area
Appendix F – Lick Creek Assessment Area
Appendix G – Priority Rehabilitation Areas of the WCTS
Appendix H – Critical Area Rehabilitation Projects
Appendix I – M.C.Stiles WWTP Foam Study & Outfall Improvement Work Plan
Appendix J – State Projects

Explanation of Documents

To facilitate finding a particular document or part of the CD, fifteen different items are listed above. The first four items are background items associated with the Court’s Entry of the CD. The remaining documents are the actual CD with each Appendix to the CD separately provided. A brief description of each section is provided below:

01. Notice of Lodging – This section provides verification when the CD was lodged with the court.

02. Amended Complaint – This section provides the amended complaint filed by the USEPA and TDEC.

03. Order Granting Joint Motion For Entry Of Consent Decree – This section provides an explanation of the consent decree process and is signed by Judge Mays, Jr.

04. Judgment – The section states the decision of the court and is signed by Judge Mays, Jr.

05. Consent Decree – This section is the main body of the CD and describes the work that will be completed.

06. Appendix A to the CD, SSO Listing 1997 to 2010 – This section shows the downward trend in the number of SSOs that occurred per year since Memphis took over the grease program.

07. Appendix B to the CD, Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan – The Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan (SORP) is a requirement of the CD and outlines the actions the City will take to (i) responding to, cleaning up, and/or minimizing the impact of SSOs; (ii) reporting SSO information, and (iii) notifying the potentially impacted public.

08. Appendix C to the CD, Fats, Oils, and Grease Management Program – The Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Management Program is a requirement of the CD and outlines the actions the City will take to reduce the accumulation of FOG in the sewer system which in turn should help reduce the number of SSOs.

09. Appendix D to the CD, Lift Stations Receiving SCADA Installation – This section provides a list of the City’s sanitary sewer lift stations that will be equipped with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. SCADA is a computer system that will be used to monitor and control varies aspects of the lift stations using remote terminal units.

10. Appendix E to the CD, First Year Assessment Area – This section provides a drawing showing the area of the City that will be assessed during the first year of the investigation/rehabilitation work following approval of the Continuing Sewer Assessment Program (CSAP) by USEPA.

11. Appendix F to the CD, Lick Creek Assessment Area – This section provides a drawing showing the area of the City that will be assessed no later than the second year of the investigation/ rehabilitation work following approval of the CSAP by USEPA.

12. Appendix G to the CD, Priority Rehabilitation Areas of the WCTS – This section provides a drawing showing the area of the City that will be addressed as priority areas when implementing the Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program. This area is included in the area identified in Appendix E.

13. Appendix H to the CD, Critical Area Rehabilitation Projects – This section provides a drawing showing three areas of the City that will receive prioritized rehabilitation projects due to the critical nature of the infrastructure at these locations.

14. Appendix I to the CD, M. C. Stiles WWTP Foam Study & Outfall Improvements Plan – The Foam Study & Outfall Improvements Plan will be implemented to address the discharge of foam from the plant.

15. Appendix J to the CD, State Projects – This section describes the two State Projects to be undertaken by the City. First, a color panel study to be conducted of the sanitary sewerage water at the M. C. Stiles WWTP. A second project, conversion of City sanitary sewer drawings into a geographic information systems (GIS) format, will be undertaken with the remaining funds dedicated to the State Projects.

In addition to the CD, other documents such as work plans and reports will be provided on the webpage and at the Library as the project progresses. Also, you may email any questions or comments to [email protected].