To learn more about our safety program, download our Loss Control Manual. The current LCM version is REV 9. LCM is being revised.
For safety questions or concerns, contact our Program Safety Manager:
Tom Gilmer – [email protected] 913.458.4207
For your safety, we advise the following:
- All crew members will wear photo badges and drive marked vehicles with the SARP10 logo. NO ONE will be requesting entry into your home; however, we may need access to your yard.
- NO ONE will ask you for money, donations, or fees.
- Smoke testing will be performed to assess the sewer. The SARP10 program will blow smoke into the sewer system.
- If you or your children have respiratory problems like chronic asthma, emphysema, or other respiratory ailments, take care to avoid direct contact with the smoke resulting from the smoke testing performed by the SARP10 crews.
- To prevent sewer testing smoke from entering your home or apartment unnecessarily, run water in all of the drains for 1 minute a week prior to scheduled testing.
- This process has been approved by the EPA and safely used for 20 years.
- The smoke will disappear quickly without leaving an odor or stain.
- If you see sewer-testing smoke inside your home, we recommend that you call the SARP10 information line at 901.452.2385 or your plumber.
- You have the right to ask for the proper SARP10 identification or call the INFORMATION LINE to verify testing and servicing in your area at 901.452.2385.

Contractor Badge of SARP10 Employees